Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Another reason to love Maine...

I forgot to list one of my favorite things about Maine - the photo workshops!

Brooke & I went there today so she could meet with her mentor. I visited a friend from college who is working there for the summer, John Barduhn. I also ran into Liz Schrenk, who is also in my program @ AIB. I also saw some friends from last summer that I didn't know were back. I had a great time just sitting at the lunch table talking to people. It's amazing how much you learn just sitting there & talking. For example I HATED aperture (the program) because it locks your photos up in the vault and I find that annoying. However - if I move the vault to a big external drive then I can use it without having it annoy me & take up all the hard drive space on my laptop. Simple fix suggested in a 2 minute chat on the program.

I also went to visit Tim Whelan's Bookstore.

(207) 236-4795

25 Main St
Rockport, ME 04856

If you find yourself in Rockport you MUST go! I bought a Harvey Stein book and Tim says "Isn't Harvey teaching here this summer?" And yes, of course he is! And yes, of course I'd like to take his workshop! Looks like I'm signing up again. After last summer how did I think I could stay away?

Other notes from Tim:
• Photographic Historical Society of New England (meetings & yearly photo show & sale Oct 6 & 7.)
• Look @ Vicky Goldberg's book: Light Matters

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